Sam Ghandchiسام قندچي Islamic Regime Made Its Final Decision about Israel
Sam Ghandchi

رژیم اسلامی تصمیم نهایی خود را در مورد اسراییل گرفت




Parody: The Islamic Regime of Iran announced that for the final solution to the conflict between Iran and Israel, it is decided to execute all the prisoners, both political and non-political, at the same time as it is said according to some Islamist Ulema this has been the custom of Islam's prophet that in his days they did not take any prisoners and they only killed the detainees.


I apologize for writing the above parody, but think for yourself that I have been writing about the conflict between the Islamic Regime of Iran and Israel for years to find a solution, but as the Americans say, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Also, I have written about the death penalty in Iran's Islamic regime for many years so that we can find a solution. But again, on Twitter account of Sister of Mr. "Mojahed Korkor" *, I see announcing the danger of her brother's imminent execution. Mojahed Korkor is imprisoned on the charge of murdering martyr Kian Pirfalak. Kian Pirfalak's mother and father, who should be private plaintiffs, say they saw their son's killer with their own eyes, and Mojahed Korkor is innocent; but, the court has given the death sentence for Mojahed Korkor based on the "knowledge of the judge," and they are in a hurry to execute him. I don't know why this regime needs Islam when these judges of Iran's judiciary have such "judicial hidden knowledge" that they are some kind of prophets themselves!


The other day, I tried to publish an article comparing the judiciary in Iran and the United States with a scientific discussion, and explain why for years to make the judiciary accountable to the people, I have raised the request to elect the supreme court judges in both countries in the hope that the judiciary will be elected like the legislature and the executive branches of government in the world, which unfortunately great thinkers like Thomas Jefferson opposed and in my opinion, in this respect, clearly,  did not leave a good legacy in the field of the judiciary in the USA! What this writer means is that I don't even consider the opinions of the elders of secular thought who are supported by me, as unchangeable, and my disapproval of the elders of the Islamic Regime is not because they are Muslims, but based on a scientific analysis of the issue. As a result, when I heard the news of imminent executions in Iran again, last night, in these days when I'm also suffering from cancer, I just shed tears and felt helpless that I couldn't do anything! What more can I say that I wrote the above parody and I hope the judiciary of Iran will not accuse me too of insulting the holy things (toheene beh moghaddasaat)!


Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,

Sam Ghandchi
August 10, 2024

























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