Sam Ghandchi
Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, an important milestone
in U.S. presidential primary election. My goal here is not to forecast
tomorrow’s results and my discussion is about what position I think can benefit
the world the most in the
In my opinion what is the most important in the
When looking at the two leading republican candidates, John Mc Cain does not offer any new economic strategy beside what the current Bush administration is doing. In contrast Mitt Romney has a good understanding of the post-industrial sector of economy and for years has been a successful investor in that sector.
Nonetheless, it does not seem like Mr. Romney can
win the Republican nomination and John Mc Cain seems to be the one who will
win. Such a result means that the success of the Republican side in this
election will not benefit the new economy which has suffered a lot since the
On the other hand, in the Democratic side, Barak
Obama is a candidate who has a better understanding of post-industrial society
and the impending singularity which Ray Kurzweil, the prominent futurist, has
been discussing for a long time showing how
It is interesting that even the Republican
candidate Romney, being a venture capitalist, his view of US economy in the next
In contrast, Mr. Obama has been working more and more to find ways that our current society can bridge to the future of humanity that we see in the horizon in this century.
Nonetheless, if John Mc Cain becomes the
Republican nominee in the
As I noted before, although the economic policy is the key issue for the U.S. and the world at this juncture of history, but the I believe the Iraq War will be the deciding factor in this election. If that to be the case, those not supporting the Iraq War, will vote for any democratic nominee, whether it be Clinton or Obama, whereas those circumstantially supporting Iraq War, may break their vote if the democratic nominee is Hilary Clinton, but would stick with Mc Cain if on the democratic side, Barak Obama is running because Mr. Obama, for better or worse, has been identified with Iraq War pull back at any cost whereas Ms. Clinton is not viewed that way and many who are conservative with regards to Iraq War may still vote for her.
Although the Clinton ticket has a better chance
than a Obama ticket to defeat Mc Cain, but I think a joint Clinton-Obama ticket
would be the best option for the
When even in South Korea has fiber in the last
mile to the home, in the U.S. still the Internet access has a long way to get to
such an infrastructure which is a must for Internet
This article was intended to discuss Iran with relation to the upcoming US presidential election but I wrote mostly about issues that are not even U.S. specific but issues that have global effect. Why? Because frankly I believe if the U.S. does not take a correct global strategy in this election, it can hurt the whole world including Iran and Iranians.
Nonetheless I should discuss my view of the approach of Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama with regards to Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranian people. I believe Ms. Clinton took a correct position when she joined the vote for economic sanction against Iran’s Revolutionary Guards while at the same time not supporting a position of military attack against Iran. In other words, not supporting any military attack against Iran, which is my own personal view, does not mean to a appease terrorism by Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI).
Anti-war does not just mean to stop any military attack against Iran but it also means to stop any sales of arms by Russia, China or any other country to Iran. Many IRI lobbyists try to take advantage of anti-war sentiments to help Islamic Republic to arm itself whereas such an event also increases the possibility of war. US future president should know not only to stop such military expansion but also to know that Islamic Republic must be dealt with seriously in the area of human rights.
Moreover just the human rights conditions is not enough as the basis of relations of Western Democracies and other democratic countries with Islamic Republic of Iran, today any progressive state should support the pro-democracy movement of Iran for a secular state. The theocracy in Iran is being challenged by Iran’s civil movements of women, students, teachers, workers, ethnic and minority religious groups, and all other interest groups that have risen in a peaceful struggle to demand their rights. This movemenmt needs to be supported by any democratic state and organization which addresses Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran must go.
Hoping for a Federal, Democratic, and Secular Futurist Republic in Iran,
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher/Editor
Text in Persian
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