Sam Ghandchiسام قندچي Iranians and Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Sam Ghandchi

ایرانیان و نامزد شدن برای جایزه صلح نوبل

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I do not understand why those human rights organizations around the world that nominate candidates for Nobel Peace Prize, when it comes to Iranians, only nominate from Islamic Reformist factions or those close to them! A Nobel Peace Prize winner does not only have human rights responsibilities but has important political duties! Actually I wrote a critique about Dr. Shirin Ebadi receiving Nobel Prize for 2002, which was thankfully posted on Almaz-dot-com at the time, when Shirin Ebadi said in the ceremony that President Mohammad Khatami should have received the prize and emphasized over and over again that she is a Muslim and also later dedicated her first book outside Iran to Dr. Ali Shariati! I am glad that later Dr. Shirin Ebadi distanced herself form Islamic Reformists and also learned about politics and currently is a Secular Democrat with a strong knowledge of politics, but really today new Nobel Prize winners, as far as Iran is concerned, will not have 20 years to learn politics and they need to have a strong understanding of politics when starting! I see continuously Narges Mohammadi and Nasrin Sotoudeh are nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. They are both great human rights activists and real good people but they both lack a strong understanding of politics and could be a disaster like Aung San Suu Kyi if they ever win the Nobel Peace Prize! I am not saying it just about Narges Mohammadi because of her being an Islamic reformer, but I say this about the secular democrat Nasrin Sotoudeh as well that they both lack a proper understanding of politics although are good people and I have supported them for their human rights dedication all these years, nonetheless, they both keep sweeping human rights prizes over and over again, whereas someone like Masih Alinejad when nominated for Nobel Peace Prize last year, continuously she was undermined by the Islamic reformist influential groups and those connected to them that influence the Nobel Committee and denigrated her although Masih is a lot more knowledgeable about politics than Narges or Nasrin. Moreover why for example in Iran honorable unpretentious filmmakers like Mohammad Rasoulof  or an honorable unpretentious musician Hossein Alizadeh or political prisoners like Ms. Golrokh Iraee or Ms. Saba Kord-Afshari are not considered for Nobel Prize, or why is it that always the Iranians inside Iran are more considered for the human rights prizes including the Nobel Peace Prize? Let me give you an example of an Iranian by the name of Dr. Ladan Boroumand who is extremely modest and in my opinion she deserves the Nobel Peace prize more than many nominated for the prize over the years. Dr. Boroumand has not only been a very dedicated human rights advocate for the last half Century, but she also has a real deep understanding of politics, theoretical and practical, that I do not see among those nominated by all these committees over and over again. I hope the nominating committees think again about their nominations and do not keep considering the Iranian opposition as the reformists and as we have seen so obviously during the last 6 years of Iran 21c Revolution, the Islamic Reformists are more part of the oppressive Islamic Regime of Iran than the opposition and the communiqué of a number of these Islamic Reformers and their leftist comrades yesterday in support of IRGC simply shows where they stand in this historic times of Iran! It is noteworthy that among them, the names of some senior members of 'United Republicans of Iran for a Democratic and Secular Republic,' 'Iran National Front,' and many other political organizations can be seen, organizations that claim to support current revolutionary movement of Iranian people that has been a target by IRGC in the last few months. On the other hand, I am happy that some IRI Reformers of the past such as Fakhrossadat Mohtashamipour are distancing themselves from the Islamic Reformists, so much power to her! Finally let me note this for the NIAC rumor-makers before I finish, that I have not talked about writing this article or even its topic to Ladan, Masih, Fakhri, or anybody else just as I never discuss about anything I publish as I do not even know myself what I am going to write next before I am inspired to do so and find the time!


Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,

Sam Ghandchi
February 2, 2023

























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