Sam Ghandchiسام قندچي Islamic Regime Must Pay Millions of Dollars to Arash Sadeghi for Wrongful Incarceration
Sam Ghandchi

رژیم اسلامی باید میلیونها دلار خسارت حبس نامشروع به آرش صادقی پرداخت کند

P.S. 12/21/22: Arash Refused to Go to Court Because of Gyves and Prison Outfit

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Arash Sadeghi was arrested in 2009 and convicted to 6 years imprisonment for participating in a student gathering in support of Iran's Green Movement. As I explained in an article  in details in 2017, Arash's release was delayed at that time since Arash and his wife at that time, Golrokh Iraee, received false charges of **terrorism** at that time and Islamic Regime of Iran (IRI) continued their wrongful incarceration blunder. Golrokh was released a few times since that time and because of talking to the international press was returned to prison and is now back to prison again. Arash was released last year and he did not do anything but working for human rights on twitter and has been arrested again and is now in prison. Arash developed bone cancer during his long imprisonment and has been fighting cancer for years and has to be under doctor supervision to check every three months for metastasis. During the last few months, medical attention was denied to Arash for weeks! His lawyer is also under arrest! It is now clear that all **terrorism charges** that IRI brought against Arash and Golrokh, 5 years ago, were totally false otherwise IRI would not have been freed them a year ago and we all saw them doing nothing but human rights activity when they were free! IRI must pay millions of dollars in damages for false incarceration to Arash and Golrokh. If the USA had made such a blunder of wrongful incarceration, IRI would be screaming all over the world calling for millions of dollars to compensate the victims of wrongful incarceration!


Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,

Sam Ghandchi
December 5,

























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