To FBI: NIAC Lobbying in U.S.
and Intimidation of Hossein Ronaghi in Iran
Sam Ghandchi
به اف بی آی: لابیگری نایاک در آمریکا و تهدید حسین رونقی در ایران
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P.S. 10/16/22: To US Secretary Blinken: NIAC Needs to be Dissolved and its Leadership Investigated by FBI
P.S. 10/15/22: More than 24 hours ago, I posted the following defense of Iranian political prisoner Mr. Hossein Ronaghi quoted from Mr. Saied Ohadi's Facebook, on my Facebook and Twitter accts. Mr. Ohadi's original post on Facebook got blocked and is still blocked. I believe the culprits in Facebook support group are intentionally blocking news related to Mr. Ronaghi, and they may be agents of Islamic Republic of Iran and need to be investigated! In the following article four months ago I mentioned the names of the individual IRI Lobbyists related to NIAC who live in the U.S. and attacked Mr. Ronaghi at that time and caused his arrest in Iran on June 14, 2022 before his current arrest in Iran. US needs to investigate these IRI Lobbyists and determine their relationship to arrest and torture of Mr. Hossein Ronaghi in Iran. SG
P.S. 10/08/22: Latest news about the arrest and torture of Iran's Mandela Hossein Ronaghi in IRI prison. SG
P.S. 09/16/22: To FBI: IRI Infiltration of Facebook Management
Mr. Hossein Ronaghi is a civil rights leader inside Iran and has been criticizing US_based NIAC Council's lobbying for Islamic Regime of Iran (IRI)! Mr. Ronaghi has just received a death threat by hooligans related to IRI. Also Mr. Ronaghi's parents have been threatened several times by these criminals in Iran. Beside NIAC, Mr. Ronaghi has accused Dr. Abbas Milani the head of Hoover institute's Iran Division and Dr. Firouz Naderi, former NASA director, of cooperating with IRI lobby, noting their support for Farnaz Fassihi, a Columbia journalist active in IRI lobby inside the U.S.! Please click the following links here to see that in August 2021, on Twitter, Dr. Abbas Milani gave his full support to Farnaz Fassihi, a prominent IRI lobbyist and also Dr. Firouz Naderi provided full support for Farnaz Fassihi! I would like to request from FBI to investigate these noted lobbyists in the U.S. because when criticized by Civil Rights Activists inside Iran, their counterparts in Iran's intelligence, threaten and hurt Iran's activists, which shows they are part of an IRI Mafia-type organization linked together inside and outside Iran, and their activity must be stopped in the U.S.! Mr. Hossein Ronaghi was also kidnapped and threatened in Tehran by IRI intelligence hooligans just three months ago when criticizing these same lobbyists.
Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,
Sam Ghandchi
June 14,
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