Sam Ghandchiسام قندچي Ilya Sutskever and Intelligent Tools
Sam Ghandchi

ایلیا ساتسکیور و ابزار هوشمند




About 40 years ago, I wrote a paper entitled 'Intelligent Tools the Cornetstone of New Civilizations," which was co-published in  'AI Magazine,' the Artificial Intelligence Journal of AAAI in Fall of 1985! Yesterday I was watching a video of a new workshop by Ilya Sutskever on Youtube entitled 'AI Neural networks, like neurons in the human brain, can develop into consciousness.' I have written many times of my thoughts about consciousness in the past! Watching Ilaya, I was amazed how far the technology has made progress since 40 years ago and what the prospects are today! It is fortunate to finally see Ray Kurzweil's new book 'The Singularity is Nearer' in the bookstores now and the opportunity to finally read the actual book in print -- which is keeping me busy these days, of course beside the news of what many like my dear friend Iran's Nelson Madela Hossein Ronaghi, and others in Iran, are trying to accomplish, and for me, all these events and engagements, beside dealing with the ongoing financial, cancer, and other health issues, are a constant challenge:) Best wishes for all!


Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,

Sam Ghandchi
June 29, 2024

























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