Mihanbaan Reza Pahlavi, khasteh nabaashid
Sam Ghandchi
میهن بان رضا پهلوی، خسته نباشید
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Dear Mihanbaan Reza Pahlavi, Sorry that I am using the Persian phrase 'khasteh nabaashid,' even in English, without translating it, because a phrase like 'good job,' and the literal translation of 'don't be tired,' cannot really convey the meaning! I have been reading your *tweets* everyday since one and a half years ago, i.e. since March 16, 2021 when you gave your historic speech! Not only ever since that time, I believe your name has been chiseled in history, but I see you have not been just helping to make a change in Iran but are helping to shape a democracy from now. I actually find the uncensored comments on your twitter account showing your commitment to democracy; and I wish you, Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi * **, your family and friends the best, while helping our Iranian nation inside and abroad! Yes, you also have doubled down, in doing the good! BTW, as you may know, I am ill and do not know how long I can keep up with the works, but have no doubt Iran and we the Iranians, will find our new place in the world! Yesterday I was reading the very substantial article by my dear friend Dr. Esmail Nooriala about Iran's Constitutional Movement and was thinking to myself that we are just understanding the message of mashrootiat, and its anniversary is tomorrow!
Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist
republic in Iran,
Sam Ghandchi, Editor/Publisher
August 4,
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