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Iranscope is a think tank focused on Iran’s journey through the 21st Century facilitating work on a broad range of projects encompassing Futuristic Thinking, Human Rights, Secularism, Progress, Globalization, Social Justice, Peace, Democracy, and Freedom in Iran. The studies may emphasize Culture, Issues of Women and Various Social, Religious and Ethnic Groups, Economics, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Art, Technology, Politics, Civil Disobedience, Sociology, History, or other aspects of life.
Since development in today’s Iran is inseparable from the turbulence of world movement of Islamism, the central theme of our research is about the ways to deal with Islamism and the alternatives that are available not only for Iran and Iranians but for the world in the current juncture of history.
Islamism is not limited to Iran. This
retrogressive movement is even causing pessimism among the youth in the
West. The youth is at times dropping optimism in the future when feeling
helpless in face of the onslaught of fundamentalism, and specifically the
Islamic fundamentalism, which has made its impact felt, especially since
Sept 11th, 2001, in the very own backyards of the West.
Not only in backward countries, fundamentalism even offers itself as an alternative in the U.S., where the government has a hard time to fulfill the commitments it has made to its citizens, with staggering national debt in the U.S., lack of health care for over 47 million people, and the uncertainty of social security benefits for the future generation.
It seems like a huge number of think tanks
in the U.S. have been working on the same issue of Islamism, nevertheless,
they hardly offer any good recommendations or ideas as to what to do with
All other think tanks have done about Islamism were modeled after an old understanding of Communism and to a lesser degree Fascism, thus they ended up offering ad hoc advice which mostly fails to relate to the current reality because they are based on an outdated vision which is hardly descriptive of Islamism.
They propose human rights strategies to
debunk the Islamists, whereas Islamist rulers in contrast to Communist
rulers share their ideology with the majority of people they rule and
anything short of secularism fails to address this reality.
Therefore in search for ready-made answers
to the dilemma of our times, many have picked up religious utopias as their
way of dealing with the predicament of a world order and its related social
structures which they resent, a perspective that has shaped a revival of
Crusades as if we are having new fights for Jerusalem.
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher/Editor
Contact: http://www.ghandchi.com/iranscope/contact.htm
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