Since treatment of Iranians in foreign countries has been affected a lot by hostage-taking, and the barbaric terrorist actions of Islamic Republic, Iranians have hoped to improve the image of Iranians abroad as they can and the Western countries angle of synonymy of Iranian nationals and the Islamic Republic of Iran has caused many unconsciously the de-facto supporters of Islamic Republic abroad, supporting the very reason of the bad image of Iranians abroad and thus playing in the hand of Islamic Republic’s play-the-victim game in the West.
Just look at the Iranian organizations that are asking for **unconditional** removal of sanctions against Islamic Republic of Iran when many of their own members have lost loved ones in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran and know very well of daily violations of democracy and human rights in Iran and are best aware of the religious apartheid in Iran.
The misunderstanding is that Iranians abroad are very
unhappy about the way the West looks at them and they do not know that the
solution is in showing the West that Iran and Iranians have been the first to
oppose the cruelties of Islamic Republic of Iran, including its hostage-taking,
terrorist activities in Palestine and in the West (killing Iranian dissidents
or death threat against Salman Rushdie). Also that
Iranians have been the ones suffering Stoning, Amputations, Killing for Leaving
Islam, hanging and torture because of political challenges to Islamic Republic,
etc. Not only in
Many Iranians wonder what can be done, if anything, about these atrocities of Islamic Republic of Iran. They think Iranians have no power as a group, to use it in dealing with the Islamic Republic abroad. I would say this is not the case. Just look at the organizations that have challenged finger-printing of Iranians abroad. Look at the organizations that are lobbying to end sanctions against Islamic Republic. Those are many Iranians and they have had the strength of even having many lawyers working for them, to do their activities abroad.
I think if these organizations add to their platform to show
the realities of religious apartheid in
I think the first step is to challenge the platforms of the Iranian activists groups that have erroneously become the propaganda machine of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I think basically most of the people involved in these organizations, are honest people who care about Iran and Iranians, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is misusing them to get hard cash from the West.
I do not think these organizations are paid agents of Islamic Republic and I think they are using their own resources, but because of a wrong political platform, they have ended up as workers for Islamic Republic of Iran. If they change their political program and to tell the world about the barbaric stoning, amputations, jailing, torturing, and murdering of dissidents (e.g. Foruhars) and other daily atrocities of Islamic Republic of Iran, they can help the Iran and Iranians in the road to a democratic and future_oriented society.
I think the platform of these organizations should be
discussed on different forums such as SCI and see what is missing in their
platform, for it to become the right platform for Iranians abroad to act in
line with the movement to abolish religious apartheid and for democracy and
progress in
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher
* The above article was first
posted on SCI (soc.culture.iranian) Usenet newsgroup