Iranian Futurist Party
(Draft Program Proposal and Request for Discussion)










P.S. 07/09/19: http://www.ghandchi.com/futuristparty/index.html

Hezb-e AyandehNegar-e Iran (Iranian Futurist Party) will be a political organization dedicated to leading Iran and Iranians into the 21st century. This is a proposal for the program of this political party.
The world of 21st Century is the world of post-industrial society, where the information and communications technologies, biotechnologies, and other leading-edge developments are making giant strides in the way humans live, work, and enjoy life. Iran and Iranians cannot make any progress isolated from these worldwide developments.
At the same time, democracy, peace, and social justice cannot be achieved without seeking them in the context of the epochal changes of the post-industrial society.
At this juncture of epochal changes in the world, Iran is struggling with a theocratic state structure, which is using the Islamic religion as its state ideology. Qessas laws (cutting of hands and similar punishments) are legitimized by this state ideology. Stoning and killing of heretics under the Mortad Law are other instances of the legal and constitutional practices that are legitimized by the state ideology of Islamic Republic of Iran.
Achieving human rights in Iran is a political issue, because opposing the above violations of human rights, means challenging the law of the land, and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The only way to arrive at democracy in Iran is thru abolition of the theocratic system of government in Iran. In short, the Iranian Futurist Party calls for a referendum to abolish the Islamic State in Iran.
In the last 20 years, time and again Iranian people have expressed their dislike for the Islamic ideological state in Iran. It is the hope of "Hezb-e Ayandeh-Negar-e Iran" that the Iranian parliament and state to abide by the rightful demand of Iranian people and to convene a referendum to decide on retention or abolition of the Islamic State in Iran.
The ultimate goal of Hezb-e Ayandeh-Negar-e Iran is to see Iran to arrive at the post-Industrial society in the next decade. The annual objectives of Iranian Futurist Party will be discussed in its conventions.

Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,


Sam Ghandchi

Sept 24, 2000
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