Human rights is exactly a political issue for Iran,
because the violations of human rights in Iran
are basically not done extra judicially and are done *within* the law and are
legitimized by the state ideology. Islam
is not a religion for Iran,
it is *the state ideology* and the human rights violations, such as
"stoning", "Qessas" (e.g. cutting
of hands), killing of mortads (heretics) and killing
of homosexuals are being done based on religious decrees of the state ideology
of Iran.
Human Rights has become a
cornerstone to address the retrogressive reality of Islamic Republic of Iran: A
regime which is presenting a backward theocratic state structure in the world
of 21st Century.
The mistake that lobbyists make is that they think the
violations of human rights in Iran
are like those of a repressive regime such as the Shah's regime or Pinoche of the past. Such regimes were violating human
rights by extralegal efforts. In an
ideological state like Iran,
where the state ideology prescribes actions like stoning as *legitimate*, one
is not basically dealing with violations of human rights that are outside the
law. Thus the ones opposing such
violations of human rights, have to oppose the law of
the land, and therefore the call for human rights becomes a political action.
In no other system, the political reality of human rights is
so true, as in the case of Iran's
Islamic Republic. The advocates of
de-politicization of human rights in Iran
are either ignorant, or are intentionally working hard to whitewash one of the
most brutal violations of human rights in the recent history under the banner
of supporting the so-called "de-politicized human rights" for Iran.
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher
September 22, 2000
* The above article was first posted on SCI (soc.culture.iranian) Usenet newsgroup on September 22, 2000