Sam Ghandchi
Persian Version
The agents of Reza Palavi are blaring for democracy in every corner because I have said for Iranian people that people do not want monarchy, and because I wrote that people because of fearing the return of monarchy and coming to power of mojAhedin Khalgh Organization (MKO) have not taken the last step to end Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), and they are angry that I have written Dissolving Monarchy and MKO is the Way to End IRI, and as usual their agents throw the dirty swear words, while Reza Pahlavi sits nice and pretty in TV interviews, with "humility" and talks of not having political ambitions, and repeats that he is very democratic, and will follow people's vote, when people choose between monarchy and republic in a referendum. But what is the reality?
Can Ayatollah Monatazeri also ask for a referendum for the position of VF and see if Khamene'i or he will get the popular votes? Iranian people have not voted for the person in charge of VF and if one says that is not an elective position, then by definition monarchy and kings are not elective either. Let's assume tomorrow Mr. Banisadr to request for a referendum about the remainder of his presidency, and says that he is a real democrat, and wants people to decide, and not that the intellectuals tell him that he is not sought for by Iranian people.
In fact, Banisadr has more legitimacy to ask for such a vote by the people, because he left Iran fearing for his life from VF, and not like the Shah who left fearing the people, and Banisadr was forced to escape before the end of his term of presidency, and no referendum was made after his departure, although he had come to his position by people's vote, and not by kinship, although we know it was because of Khomeini's recommendation that he won the presidency, nonetheless it was an election.
In contrast, with regards to Shah's monarchy, not only people went to the streets shouting "Death to the Shah," for at least two years before February 1979, they also voted overwhelmingly after the Revolution, in a referendum, for ending the monarchy, and in fact the Islamic Republic used the anti-monarchy vote to legitimize the Islamic Republic, because Secular Republic was not among the choices. Even now, any vote would never bring back the monarchy, and people's fear is that monarchy to be pushed on Iran again, as in the 1953 coup, by the U.S.
The Pahlavi monarchy has been history for 25 years, and even though there has been a referendum for it once, and people have overwhelmingly rejected it, Reza Pahlavi has made this issue people's problem for 25 years, and people ask if monarchy is going to be forced on them by the U.S. again, and the choice of a CIA prime minister in Iraq has added to these fears, and let's not ask what all this says about Reza Pahlavi's claim of so-called not having political ambitions! Have the Iranian people come from behind the mountains (a Persian expression!) Mr. Reza Pahlavi likes to force a vote on Iranian people for the power of his family, and this is why he is not calling the end of Pahlavi Dynasty. And this way we can understand the meaning of the democracy he is talking about.
If this is democracy, why not all other Iranian families ask for vote for monarchy by their family? Are other Iranian families any less than the Pahlavis? Is it democratic that they ask for referendum for their family and others can't? If the criteria is a family, then the family of Dr. Mossadegh have more of a democratic tradition than the Pahlavi family. Then how about calling for monarchy of Mr. Matin-Daftari and vote for that? Of course, I know Matin-Daftari would not be interested in such a referendum.
These talks are all games. Mr. Reza Pahlavi better come down from his horse and not think that the threats of his agents and the logic that I noted above, can deceive the Iranian people. In reaction to the threats of his agents, we will also defend ourselves, and the swear words of Sha'boon Bimokhs will be returned to Reza Pahlavi himself, the same way we defended ourselves in front of the bullets of the Shah. This is not the August of 1953 anymore, that they can deride us by their swear words.
25 years of continuation of Sha'boon Bimokh in Iran, by his hezbollahi colleagues like Allah Karam, has taught Iranian people a lot, and we know that the day after collapse of IRI, we will have to face the Sha'boon Bimokhs of monarchy and MKO. It is a shame that after all these crimes by the thugs in the last 25 years, just a few weeks ago, Iranian monarchy, in the funeral procession of Susan, the Iranian singer in Los Angeles, had Sha'boon Bimokh next to the flower bouquets of Reza Pahlavi and Farah Pahlavi, escorting. If Mr. Reza Pahlavi is so much interested in democracy, the first step is to announce the end of Pahlavi dictatorship, and not to revive its symbols like Sha'boon Bimokh.
Iranian people never had the opportunity to vote for a secular republic, and in reality, Reza Pahlavi is sacrificing secularism for monarchy, and in his closed-door agreements with various mollahs, he is promising them sharing the power, which means weakness of Iran's future secularism, because he wants to trade secularism with mollah's support for restoration of monarchy. Iranian pro-democracy movement had said about 1953 coup to be a CIA coup years before the documents showed it and today we are saying about the secret deals of Reza Pahlavi and the mollahs and the future will show if we are right or not about him compromising secularism to return his monarchy.
Hoping for a Futurist, Federal, Democratic, and Secular Republic in Iran,
Sam Ghandchi, Editor/Publisher
May 31, 2004
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