Corona Second Wave: US Should
Lead the Offensive
Sam Ghandchi
موج دوم کرونا: آمریکا باید حمله را رهبری کند
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The second wave of Corona pandemic has already started in a number of countries. Basically the US has been on the defensive in the war against COVID-19. It is time to start an offensive to uproot this virus from every corner of the country using whatever means we currently have at our disposal, and lead the world the same way. From hospitals to workplace, from airports to schools, from shopping centers to our homes, a task force needs to erase all footprints of Corona virus from every corner of our life. We cannot continue to remain on the defensive about this war, and more importantly opening the country while Corona's second wave of attack is a footstep away, is a recipe for a mass suicide.
Hoping for a democratic and secular futurist republic in Iran,
April 15, 2020
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