Monarchists ask the pro-Democracy activists to put our weight behind Reza Pahlavi's to have a Referendum in Iran. I would say the other way. I would say that I hope Prince Reza Pahlavi to join the pro-Democracy movement for the referendum in Iran and for replacing IRI. In other words, I hope Prince Reza Pahlavi distances himself from the monarchists and condemns the atrocities of the past monarchy and to support a secular republic or he may not be able to help the pro-Democracy movement much. The time of monarchy in Iran has long passed:
I think Prince Reza Pahlavi is in a similar situation as Ahmad Shah. Ahmad Shah *was* democratic-minded and also independence-minded, when in Switzerland, although contrary to prince Reza Pahlavi, he alienated himself from the UK. I think it is good that Prince Reza Pahlavi is talking to the press and US Congress and to the international organizations about human rights in Iran. I think it is good that he is supporting a democracy in Iran. But I think he should be outspoken about the atrocities of the past Pahlavi monarchy, as I have noted before, which many like myself had suffered under the past monarchy.
Ahmad Shah should have done the same about Qajar and particularly about Mohammad Ali Shah's dictatorship. He should have been the first to criticize the anti-secularism of having Shi'a as the official religion of Iran as well as the veto of 5 mojteheds in Iran's 1906 Constitution. He should have been the first to condemn the despotism and bombardment of Iran's parliament (betoop bastan-e majles) by his father, Mohammad Ali Shah, in the past, which was a very fresh memory for the democrats of Iran in the early 1900s.
Ahmad Shah should have been the first one to condemn the bombing of majles and despotism of his father Mohammad Ali Shah, if he wanted to get the support of the democratic-minded Iranians, and the same goes for Prince Reza Pahlavi. That does not mean condemning his father as a father, which is a personal relationship, but it means condemning the despotism of his father's politics and regime.
The Iranian pro-Democracy movement is growing everyday and although the regime killed the leaders of this movement such as Foruhars, MokhtAri and others, new leaders have since emerged, such as Simin Behbahani, Heshmat Tabarzadi, and many others.
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher
April 16, 2002