davAzdah gharn sokoot: ketAb-e Avval barAmadan-e hakhAmaneshiAn
مرور کتاب دوازده قرن سکوت
Book Review:
I do not know if any body else on SCI has read this book. This is what I call a
real apology for Islamic Republic under the cloak of defending Iran from foreign
The author comes up with this theory that hakhAmaneshiAn were invaders and that
Iranian people lost to these invaders and the same loss occured in all subsequent
pre-Islamic dynasties which he considers as invaders. Then the book claims that going
for Islam was when Iranians reversed their loss and became independent from the
hakhAmaneshis, AshkAnids, Sassanids, etc.
This book is really schizophrenic and makes the reality upside down and it
continues to say that all admirations for hakhAmaneshis and pre-Islamic Iran has
been the writings of the Jews and Jewish Middle East scholars.
Actually I should note that contrary to what this author has written, the idea
of democratic state had come up before the reign of Dariush and was defeated and
even though it was defeated, Iran's ancient empires were *not* monarchy per se.
Even the shAhanshAhi of ancient Iran was *not* monarchy as such and it was more
similar to a federal system. This is why they used the word shAhanshAh which
means king of kings because each king ruled a separate territory and king of
kings ruled over them all.
Although this book looks very pretentious, the author hardly knows any of the
facts like what I noted above about the shAhanshAhi system. I hope more new
historians with futuristic outlook and good scientific understanding of our
history to come to the scene of Iranian scholarship to rebut nonsense like this
book which reminded me of the Hoviyat program of Islamic Republic TV.
Sam Ghandchi, Publisher
March 1, 2002
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